Friday, September 7, 2012

THIS battle...AGAIN???

"Women who are diagnosed with breast cancer at its earliest stages have a 93 percent rate of surviving for at least five years, according to the American Cancer Society. The survival rate drops to 81 percent once the disease has progressed to Stage II. If the breast cancer was at Stage III when it was discovered, the survival rate drops to 67 percent. Women with Stage IV breast cancer have a 15 percent survival rate. The American Cancer Society notes that every woman's situation is different and that new treatments are continuing to improve survival rates among women with breast cancer."

Thank you, Jesus, for bringing that little pea-sized pellet to my attention so early.  I'm ready to war against this disease again, and I hope I learn something this time that will prove useful to others heading down the same path.  I thank you also for the brilliant team of doctors you have assembled for me - even as I must depend on government assistance for their services.  These men (the last time, in Dallas, you provided me with a gifted team of women) are truly a "dream team."   Knowing 3 members of this team will be diligently working on me for 6-7 hours next Wednesday confirms Your Presence in all things.  I thank You that I am truly in the palm of Your hand - the safest, calmest, and most protected place I could hope to be.  Thank You for giving me a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.  Anxious fear never comes from You, and though it tries to infect me with a vigorous and continual onslaught, I have only to praise You to obtain a blessed and calming reprieve.  I know that you inhabit the praises of Your people, and I am proud to count myself as one of Yours.  Please give me the guidance and supernatural strength to glorify You throughout this process.... let my words be Your words, and my steps those You have chosen in building a path for me.  Lastly, Lord, I ask You to fill in for me where I fall short on this journey.  For, even though my goals are high and spiritual, I am still bound by an earthly body of flesh and bone.  And even though I want to resist the desires of my flesh, I am sad to be losing some very important (to me!) parts of that flesh.  You alone can turn my mourning into dancing; You can bring addition from what is taken away; joy from loss and grief.  After all, I'm just a girl - and a flawed one at that - but You see me as so much more.  You've adopted me, justified me, cleansed me, and turned me into a much-beloved Royal Daughter.  You gave up SO much more on the cross than what I am reluctantly parting with - and You did so willingly and absolutely!  Thank you for turning me into a Princess the moment I chose You, despite what You know about me.  For you have known me from my mother's womb, even before the foundations of the earth.  Still my fast-beating heart, Lord, and help me keep my focus on You.  Amen and amen.


Anonymous said...

Wow! God has big plans for you. Continue keeeping the faith.

Jennifer Thomas said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Mr. Anonymous...