Sunday, May 9, 2010

Acute Pancreatitis - a Real PicNic!!

Oh, I might add that I've had Gallstone-induced Pancreatitis for almost a week .... I've felt extremely nauseous and have to take Phenergan for it, which makes me a bit loopy. I got hit with the exact same thing about 2 months ago - and when it hits, it's like running into a freight train (not that I know what THAT's like!). It's a burning, horribly awful pain, usually in the upper right abdoment, and it makes you nauseous and (if you're lucky, vomitous as well). All this describes why it's usually diagnosed in the hospital (via the E/R), though I've had the pleasure of enjoying both of my Acute Episodes in the Comfort of my Own Home. Looks like the ol' useless gallbladder is on it's way outta here, probably week after next. Doesn't this sound like an ailment that should afflict someone a little older? Say maybe, in their 50s or 60s? I'm such a pretty YOUNG thing, why do I attract so many angry physical ailments??

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